Starting Over!

It had been a long few years up to that point. A divorce that took way too long and turned ugly in a hurry!  It took several years, multiple states and several attorneys. I spent many a day wondering what I had done wrong to get to the point where the relationship just faded away. What had I done wrong to deserve the lies and deception that I had received? I spent endless nights wondering what it would be like to feel the touch of that special person and have that ultimate connection that we all dream of only to wake up in a nightmare from this past mistake. This started my journey to find out what it is that both men and women desire and what it is that makes couples last.

It has been an interesting road that I have traveled. I have learned lessons and have more than enough dating stories to tell. It is my goal to try and help anyone that I can with what I have been through and what I have learned from it all. If I am able to help one person or couple out, it is worth my time. I really wish that I could have had this knowledge 20 years ago instead of today, as it would have saved a bunch of heartache, headaches and tears along the way. Feel free to get a good laugh out of some of the stories that I have and what I have been through as I can’t help to laugh when I look back through it all now.

We all have choices in life on how to deal with what we have been through. The individual that we become is a direct result of how we deal with our past, either good or bad. I spent too many years ‘living in the past’ instead of ‘living for the future’. I kept looking back and ultimately ended up over analyzing everything. I have let the experiences that I have been through refine me into the individual that I am today and could not be happier with myself. I would describe this as contentment. It takes being content with yourself and loving yourself before you can ever truly love someone else.

I have now met the most incredible woman that tells me on a daily basis that I am the most loving and romantic guy that any woman could ask for and that I need to let others in on what I have learned. Therefore, the Desired Romance blog has been started and may my journey lead you on your own amazing journey!


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